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Funny Lyric

On my 'Zoom Out' Album, there's a track I wrote (BC) called "Music". On the track, I say the following lyrics:

"Some people, including me, don't read God's Word.

So I spread it through my music 'cause there's things we gotta learn".

I'm gonna keep it real. You can probably see why that's mad. 😂 If you don't get it, check it again. Yet there's a #Word in this for us to take with us. How can the moon shine unless it reflects the sun's light? How can we share the Gospel or shine as Lights in this world if we aren't in it? Abiding in His Word. The picture I get is of a deodorant can. In The Word we see... Let me draw for the AMP real quick...

'But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us spreads and makes evident everywhere the sweet fragrance of the knowledge of Him. For we are the sweet fragrance of Christ [which ascends] to God, [discernible both] among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; to the latter one an aroma from death to death [a fatal, offensive odor], but to the other an aroma from life to life [a vital fragrance, living and fresh]. And who is adequate and sufficiently qualified for these things? For we are not like many, [acting like merchants] peddling God’s word [shortchanging and adulterating God’s message]; but from pure [uncompromised] motives, as [commissioned and sent] from God, we speak [His message] in Christ in the sight of God.'

So the deodorant can is God's Word. It's only as we allow The Father to spray His Word on us daily. Momently. That we will naturally spread the "sweet fragrance" everywhere we go. His Word is the Cologne. Stop trying to give. We just need to receive. Let His Word flow through you. Quick example before I go 'cause I'm super SUPER thirsty for His Precious Word... There is an overflow of treasured jewels in the passage I pasted above for you. But if I don't check it myself and allow The Word to sink into the depths of my heart... how will I be able to break it DOWN for you in a way that builds you UP?? I need to first read that Google-copied verse which is sooooo flooded with life and Living Waters for my soul to drink in. Then I can bring it to you. Served on a silver platter for your enjoyment.

So... let's DIVE IN...

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